Imagine The Possibilities

IP Plus is voter targeting on steroids.

What is IP Plus

Targeting voters using cookies and household IP addresses is not new.

The traditional approach has been to target voters by matching their physical address with their known IP address. To this day, it is a precise means to get your campaign message (static and pre-roll video) delivered to any Internet connected device within that location.

While extremely effective, it is not without limitations; namely, it only works while those devices are connected to the Internet within that physical location.

Campaign Matrix clearly understood those limitations and set a goal for itself to develop a means of removing those barriers. Now, after two (2) years in development, the Company has just released a break-thru capability that enables it to target specific devices both within a household and beyond. This is a major accomplishment and the first to offer such a sweeping solution.

Imagine the possibilities; now we can take a campaigns voter list and by using our newly developed IP append technology tell a campaign how many constituents can be directly reached (targeted) by device-type. For example, Connect TV, Laptops, Smartphones, etc.

It is worth repeating, Campaign Matrix CAN now deliver your campaign video ads to specific mobile devices both within the household and beyond with the exact same precision; that is truly extended reach.

For connected televisions, our solution can now deliver your campaign video advertisements via services like Roku, Sling, PlutoTV and others with unparralled precision. This ensures that only constituents on your list will see the advertisements. That is truly a much more cost effective means of message delivery.

Listen to the audio message on this page or call John Bolt to learn more (813) 527-0711. .
Here is an example of an IP Plus append that was run against a list of 11,939 voter records.

IP Household Matches = 8,847 (74%)
IP Plus Device ID Matches = 8,843 (74%)
IP Plus Connected TV Matches = 4,029 (34%)

What this means is that we can now serve all of the voter matches with banner and/or pre-roll video ads when they visit one of over 2 million websites or apps across all of their devices.